Stuff for Students
Here students will find information or links that they may need to complete assignments or just to stay informed. These items are in no particular order.Study Guides - Click here for various study guides from all of my classes.
World History
Weekly Social Studies Study Menu (PDF) - Use this to complete a selection of weekly study assignments.U.S. History
Weekly Social Studies Study Menu (PDF) - Use this to complete a selection of weekly study assignments.U.S. History Key Terms List - I used to make students learn this entire list by the end of the year. While I no longer pass out this particular list, educated people should know these terms. Besides, you're going to end up learning all of these this year anyway. You can use this to help you. (See below).
U.S. History Key Terms List with Definitions - You get the idea. These definitions are based on our old textbook, but there really isn't much difference.
Religion/Confirmation Preparation
8th Grade Service Form (PDF) - 8th graders can use this for to track their service hours for the school year.Confirmation Final Exam Study Guide (PDF) - This is a condensed list of all the stuff you need to know to be prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation and to pass the final exam. Stop freaking out. It's not that bad.
Mr. Kersey's Online Confirmation Practice Test - Curious about how well you know your faith? Want to prepare a bit for your Confirmation exam? Then give this 101 question monster a try. When you are finished, the test will show you which answers you got correct and which ones you got wrong.
Called by Name: Choosing Your Confirmation Name (PDF) - If you lost your copy of these guidelines and the essay assignment, here it is. Enjoy!
The Effects of Confirmation - This is from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You can use this as a resource for your Confirmation reflection essay.
Study Habits to Get IntoWeekly Social Studies Study Menu (PDF) - Use this to complete a selection of weekly study assignments.
Mr. Kersey's Guide to How To Study For Final Exams - Self explanatory. Use these tips to dominate your finals.
A Sample Outline (PDF) - This is a sample outline taken from the 8th grade history text. This is just one simple example for the 8th graders to follow while practicing their outlining skills.
Enrichment Project Ideas and Guidelines
Mr. Kersey's Super Useful, Universally Awesome, Cover Sheet of Goodness (PDF) - Do you always seem to forget how to spell 'their' and 'there'? Are you tired of the kid next to you always trying to copy off of your test? Do you need to know how to answer a DBQ? Do you even know what a DBQ is? Well, worry no more my students. Here is the last cover sheet you'll ever need. Complete with commonly mispelled words, test taking tips, and some doodling space, this is the finest cover sheet you'll see this side of the Atlantic.