

Geography Terms List

By the end of the school year you will be expected to know all the terms on this list. We will begin with the first few words or so and with each new topic we will add more terms. There will be a vocabulary quiz approximately every week. Any new words, in addition to all previous words on the list, are fair game for these quizzes. These are not all the key terms and people you will be required to learn this year, but these are the ones that will appear on our vocabulary quizzes throughout the year.

Why am I doing this to you? There are two reasons. The first is that by the time you take any standardized tests or the Ohio Graduation Test, you will know these words without thinking about them. Secondly, if you are expected to know these words throughout the year, you will truly learn them, rather than just memorize them for a quiz and forget them later.

Note: Terms marked with an asterisk (*) are not found in the 7th grade textbook's glossary. (The definitions are for all other terms are taken from Eastern Hemisphere: Geography, History, Culture by H.H. Jacobs, B. Randolph, and M. L. LeVasseur. Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Pages 754-764.)

  1. geography
  2. latitude
  3. parallel
  4. degrees*
  5. minute*
  6. Equator
  7. longitude
  8. meridian
  9. Prime Meridian
  10. absolute location
  11. relative location
  12. place*
  13. physical feature (characteristic)
  14. human characteristic (feature)
  15. human-environment interaction
  16. movement*
  17. region
  18. plain
  19. scale
  20. distortion
  21. compass rose
  22. cardinal directions
  23. intermediate directions*
  24. key (legend)
  25. orbit
  26. revolution
  27. axis
  28. rotation
  29. earth-sun relationship*
  30. low latitudes (tropics)
  31. high latitudes (polar zones)
  32. middle latitudes (temperate zones)
  33. plate tectonics
  34. weathering
  35. erosion
  36. atmosphere
  37. weather
  38. precipitation
  39. climate
  40. tundra
  41. vertical climate
  42. population
  43. population distribution
  44. population density
  45. birth rate
  46. death rate
  47. life expectancy
  48. standard of living
  49. migration
  50. immigrants
  51. push-pull theory
  52. push factor*
  53. pull factor*
  54. urbanization
  55. rural area
  56. urban area
  57. suburban area*
  58. culture
  59. cultural traits (practice)
  60. cultural product*
  61. agriculture
  62. social structure
  63. nuclear family
  64. extended family
  65. economy
  66. producer
  67. consumer
  68. goods
  69. services
  70. want*
  71. capital goods*
  72. capitalism
  73. market economy*
  74. socialism
  75. mixed economy*
  76. communism
  77. command economy*
  78. government
  79. direct democracy
  80. representative democracy (republic)
  81. monarchy
  82. constitutional monarchy
  83. dictatorship*
  84. theocracy*
  85. country*
  86. nation*
  87. cultural diffusion
  88. cultural perspective*
  89. acculturation
  90. natural resource
  91. raw material
  92. recyclable resource (flow resource)
  93. renewable resource
  94. nonrenewable resource
  95. fossil fuels
  96. manufacturing
  97. human resource*
  98. developed nation
  99. developing nation
  100. commercial farming
  101. subsistence farming
  102. ecosystem
  103. deforestation
  104. social class*
  105. middle class
  106. colonialism*
  107. imperialism
  108. nationalism

This list was lasted updated on 8/23/06.